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Vizima Trade Quarter

Le quartier des Marchands de Wyzima grouille littéralement de vie. Il est habité par l'élite sociale de la capitale : nobles, riches marchands, notables, magiciens, sans oublier le burgrave Velerad en personne. Ses rues pavées sont toujours bien tenues. Les maisons de briques aux fenêtres ornées de fleurs, blotties côte à côte dans les rue étroites, témoignent de la richesse des habitants. Tout le monde ne peut pas s'offrir une maison dans le quartier le plus huppé de la ville, près du roi Foltest en personne ! Une vaste place de marché occupe le centre du Quartier des marchands, où les étals débordent d'articles de luxe venus des quatre coins du monde. L'hôtel de ville imposant de Wyzima se trouve non loin de là. En ce moment, quarantaine oblige, il faut être porteur d'un sauf-conduit pour entrer dans ce quartier de Wyzima. Beaucoup d'endroit du quartier sont rendus inaccessibles, la construction de barricades et la veille constante des soldats de la garde sont des plus dissuasives. Vizima, the capital of Temeria, is the largest city in the kingdom. It is located on the shore of Lake Vizima, at the intersection of important trade routes, one of which is a waterway. Owing to a developed network of roads, the city draws considerable profit from trade. By King Foltest's order, the city is goverened by Burgomeister Velerad. The Trade Quarter is home to the wealthiest and most important inhabitants, and both the town hall and the main marketplace are situated there.

The Vizima Trade Quarter is the part of the city where high society lives. These people generally dislike nonhumans and people of lesser social rank than themselves, though there are some notable exceptions.

Entrée de journal

"Vizima's Trade Quarter is teeming with life. It is inhabited by the capital's social elite - nobles, wealthy merchants, townspeople, sorcerers, even Burgomeister Velerad himself. The cobbled streets are kept clean. The brick houses with flowers in the windows are huddled side by side on the narrow streets, testifying to the wealth of the inhabitants. After all, not everyone can afford a home in the best district, situated near the castle of Foltest himself! At the very center of the Trade Quarter lies a large marketplace, where merchants exhibit luxury goods from all over the world. Nearby stands an impressive town hall. Currently, due to the quarantine, only a few people with letters of safe conduct are allowed into this part of Vizima."


the alley along the walls
Statue of Melitele near the Maribor gate

Destinations a paritir d'ici


Personnages importants

  • Alvin - A gifted child whom Geralt rescued from the Beast in the Outskirts
  • Jaskier - Old friend of Geralt's
  • Declan Leuvaarden - Rich Nilfgaardian merchant
  • Princess Adda - Young woman whom Geralt saved from a curse many years ago and who is very grateful, though he does not remember those events
  • Queen of the Night - Manager of the House of the Queen of the Night whorehouse and a vampire
  • Roderick de Wett - Nilfgaardian, Knight of the Order of the Flaming Rose and adviser to King Foltest's on behalf of the Order
  • Talar - Fence (dealer in stolen goods)
  • Triss Merigold - Sorceress and old friend of Geralt's
  • Velerad - Governs the city of Vizima in King Foltest's absence

Autres personnages


  • Berbercane
  • Ginatia
  • White myrtle


cs:Kupecká čvtrť es:Barrio de los Mercaderes de Wyzima hu:Kereskedő Negyed ru:Купеческий квартал