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In The Witcher, Geralt must acquire many objets and he can not always afford to buy them from marchands. To this end, it is beneficial for him to enter all premises he can and rifle through any and all containers found therein for the supplies he needs. In a sense, all creatures, human and otherwise are containers, as are many trees, shrubs and plants which bear the plantes required for alchemical élixirs. They will not be dealt with individually in this section as they each have their own page anyway. The easiest, and most reliable, way to find any containers in view is to hold down the Alt-key. This highlights all the usable items in view, a great way to find remains after a large melee. |
Conteneurs dans The Witcher[]
Many different names are used for similar items, below is a partial list of the names and further down are galeries of images for your reference and amusement.
autels bibliothèques caisses cerceuils coffres |
commodes dépenses étagères garderobes malles |
meubles penderies placards panneaux d'affichage panniers |
panniers à linge quelques aliments sacs sarcophages tonneaux |
- Parfois les aliments sont eux-mêmes des conteneurs. Parmi ceux-ci, il y a : les fromages, poulets, bols de nourriture et peut-êtres d'autres.
Les morts, comme conteneurs[]
Yes, the remains that Geralt finds or produces are also containers with potentially useful or valuable items:
- corpses (found human remains, as opposed to the bodies of dead assailants), which in addition to plain, come in a few of flavours, like "mangled", "mutilated" or "decomposing"
- remains (different from corpses in that Geralt is usually directly responsible for the death and they are not necessarily human)
- squelettes